21 Nov 2011

Surprisingly I worked Overtime (Chapter 8)

~ Day 9 ~
After I post my boring post on saturday
I received a call from my friend
Let go for a drink at Overtime!!!!
hurray, there it goes for my BORING SATURDAY!!
I'm sure you guys know bout this rapidly growing pub, Overtime
and this make me forget to do my mask, will do on Monday *promise*
at hostel with the wavy mirror^^
Goin for a super colourful night~

not the prettiest photo but I like my eyes here^^
adding a bright fuschia colour on my eyes *colour pop pop*

whole barrel for 5 girls, I'm amazed too **
but it's free, so who care???

The Dark Lager, too strong for my preferences but it's nice!!
The drunk one~

The Sipping and pretend to drink

The amazing driver

the drunk face~

and a new bunch of new friends that we meet that night
they are from Meeples
a totally fun and crazy night

After some topsy-turvy night, I found out that my make-up still stay on my face quite well
and not feeling oily~
more improvement on the skin too
thank to this 2 babies^^
You can get drunk while doing my Overtime
but not skipping the skincare part plz~

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