1 May 2012

My Nestle Incredible Story

As a Nuffnang member, we get emails on the update of the contest and activity they are running all around the year
and recently there is one about Nestle 100th years anniversary
which struck my mind, that 100th years so long ah!! *amazed*
and not a surprise, it;s true that Nestle products has been growing together with me since I'm young
1. The Honey Star Van
I always like Honey Star like crazy, Koko Krunch you're the second one. So everytime the van park in front of the school compound, we'll get ready to queue for it.
And thank to my heights, I get the front place always. muahahaha

2.                                   Mat Kool Traffic Light 
Mat Kool, Mat Kool Kawanku, Mari kita ikut Mat Kool.
I bet everyone will remember the catchy tune of the song. Seeing the blue colour motor in front of the school. Not having the lunch during rehat time for the snack after school. Then get caught by mum cause the whole tongue turned into a traffic light colour. *nostalgic*

3.                            THE-MUST-HAVE!!! MAGGI!!!
From my school day, I don't really eat maggi. But mum always stock up on one Maggi which come in mini version, "Maggi Mini/ Cup", something like that la for me cause I have super small appetite that time.
Then later in Uni, I learned about Maggi Goreng~ Oh heaven, it's good!! 
Maggi Cup Noodle Tom Yam has been my companion for the first year but after I get my own pot to cook, I ditched them.haha..
when my cooking cap is on, some random recipe will come out for the maggi like above~ Maggi with fishcake and cheese. Yum yum yum~

4.                     Even when I work, Nestle product is all around me
working in a primary school with the Milo Man, my friend inside. hahahaha
After that we get Honey Star again!! but I forget to take picture T^T
keep ngom ngom ngom on the honey star only.

With so many stories to share, I decided to join the contest too
Just share your stories and you get to win monthly prizes
and this is my submission with the Milo photo

It's ok if you guys, don't wanna join
then maybe I'll get a higher probability to win. muahahaha~
or you guys just join the other category, there are short stories, video, and tweet
and video will have the highest cash prisez of all. so don't say I kedekut la~

As a business student, I'm really impressed with Nestle
Yes, it might not be a local brand but it managed to penetrate into our market since 1912.
Nestle has been maintaining a good reputation in Malaysia and as well as the whole wide world.
and all the brands under Nestle has been growing with a reputable quality
and I don't see much brand that could involve in all stages of our life just like Nestle
as what the slogan of their 100th anniversary said,
"Nestle di sisimu"
Have Nestle always been by your side?
Have a break, have a Kit-kat <3

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