This term got famous when our latest PM was appointed
1 Malaysia which is a concept to foster unity among the multi-ethnic in Malaysia
Lots of people doesn't believe in this based on the
Entire concept of it.
But I always believe that the friendship among the ethnics in Malaysia
is always there
Personally I come from a Malay school since primary
I have multi-races friend which some
I can call them as my best friends
We share the same childhood memories
We share the same food in canteen last times
and now we share the same jokes when we meet
Recently I meet back with some classmates of other ethnics
and I feel we're even closer than someone that haven't meet for 7 years
They are uber funny and friendly like the seven years ago
My friends even joke we can start the interracial dating
muahahaha~ sorry Arvint, cannot kopi susu leh (a joke that only we can understand)
Funniest is, one of the sales advisor thought we are dating
Situation in a clothing store
Arvint: I have to help Pui Lan to choose her clothes, she helped just now
Me: Arvint, ini baju cantik?
Me: Arvint, ini baju cantik?
Arvint: (took another sheer top) Ini baju macam ni, baik jangan pakai
Sales advisor: (open mouth big big) ahh.. Tak dengar, tak dengar (thinking that Arvint ask me not to wear anything)
We all: Run away in laughter!

We all: Run away in laughter!
It make me feel good that when I have friends who trully appreciate friendship
Everyone has difference way of talking, working and portraying themselves
you might like some of it
you might hate some of it
you might agree a bit of it
you might want to stay away from it
but you can't choose your friend based on their skin colour or their ethnicity
I welcome anyone who appreciate friendship to be my friend.
If I can get along with you then you are my friend no matter what is your race
I do not need any propaganda, advertisement or videos to show me how to be 1 Malaysia
because it is a basic value in human that we should
To accept one difference and appreciate humans
My little friendship over here
proved that friendship among multi-ethnics does exists
Don't be so racist can anot ah?? haha